Dec 21, 2015

Tarea del 21 de diciembre

Continue practicing your pronunciation

Dec 15, 2015

Tarea del 15 de diciembre

Complete the script for the safety video.  create a draft of your logo based on the name your group has given your airline.

Dec 14, 2015

Tarea del 14 de Diciembre

Using this Airline Safety video write down the Spanish Safety procedures up to 2:14 on a sheet of paper to be handed in tomorrow.

Dec 8, 2015

For Quiz upgrades

If you want to earn back half of the points lost in the Vocabulary (sections A,B and C).  You will need to take a quiz (without using your dictionary) Spanish to English of these words and earn at least an 80. You must watch the videos assigned below and review them and complete a number of activities on quizlet like learn, scatter, test to prepare for the retake.

If you would like to earn back half the points lost on saber versus conocer (D and E) Complete the following activity  and the estudio activities assigned as well as watch the videos assigned below and review them.  You will take a quiz on Saber and Conocer If you earn an 80 or higher you will earn half the points back.

If you would like to earn back half the points lost on Comparisons (F, G and H) Complete the following activities  and the estudio activities assigned. as well as watch the videos assigned below and review them. You will take a quiz on Comparisons If you earn an 80 or higher you will earn half the points back.

If you have earned a 90 or higher and do not need to take a retest on any of these skills or if you are only taking a retest on one of the skills and you have already completed the work for the skill, watch and review the Airline Safety Videos.  I promise you there is a reason for this as we prepare for Unit 1 of level 2 :-)

Vocabulary relating to shopping, clothing and food

Saber versus conocer

Making Comparisons

If you are not doing upgrades
Airline Safety videos

If you are done with these take a look at this spin on the airline safety video.

Dec 7, 2015

Tarea del 7 de Diciembre

Complete learn on quizlet

Print out your results or hand write them and get a parent signature on them to hand-in tomorrow.

Rmember to study for the quiz.

Conjugating all regular verbs and ir/ser and dar and ver

Using direct object pronouns.  Lo/La/Los/Las
Make sure you know that the pronoun goes before the verb and that You make sure not to mention the direct object in the new sentence if you used a pronoun to replace it.

Dec 4, 2015

En clase el 4 de diciembre

In class today complete the following
1,Grammar video - Preterite of regular verbs. (Write down the answers to the activity at the end.)
2. Complete all activities in Prescriptive - Diagnostic 3 Preterite of regular verbs
3. Grammar video - Single Object Pronoun  (Write down the answers to the activity at the end.)
3. If you complete these go to Level 1 book and look at the Chapter 7 video on culture.

Nov 24, 2015

Reto del dia de Acción de Gracias

To earn a pack of Frunas you just need to read the story we read in class to a family member during break and have them sign the sheet given to you in class.  Remember to erase any word that you think you now know because of the context of the story.  I would also suggest that you practice reading it first.  You might want to try to read it along with me using this video.

Have a wonderful break :-)

La Señora Blessing

Nov 20, 2015

Completion of dictionary

Next Wednesday you need to hand in your final dictionary.  Remember it will be one you will get to use all year long (other than on your final).

It must have a section where you can neatly write in 20 words as your run into words that cause you trouble and are not part of the unit vocabulary.

You should add the last vocabulary and place it in alphabetical order so you can find words easily. 

You do not need to add any more tips, photos or sentences but you can if you want to.  Ideally you will correct the errors that I pointed out.

Nov 18, 2015

Tarea del 17 de Noviembre

5 estudios were assigned online

Tarea del 16 de Noviembre

2 estudios were assigned online

Nov 12, 2015

Tarea del 11 noviembre

2 actividades en estudio

Nov 10, 2015

Tarea del 10 de noviembre

One estudio activity

Nov 9, 2015

Tarea del 9 de noviembre

Get progress report signed and develop a dictionary on google docs for the words that you do not know and that are not cognate from the last vocabulary lists.

First eliminate the words you know because you studied them in 6th and 7th grade
Than eliminate the words that are new but cognates
Finally type into a Google doc or sheet the new words that you would like to use on your quiz next Wednesday. I recommend you place them in alphabetical order which will make the list easier to use on the quiz.
Make sure to print out the list and share it with me.  If necessary you can come during homeroom and print it out.

Nov 4, 2015

Tarea del 4 de noviembre

Complete the activities on studio.  I know 10 seems like a lot but they are short and not especially tough.  If you do them and check your answers this will help you review for tomorrow's chapter test.  Show me your mad skills in Spanish.  Si lo puedes!  You can do it!

Oct 29, 2015

Tarea del 29 de octubre

Work on the Dictionary checking of the words that you have studied before and placing a star next to the new cognates.  Add the new cognates to the paper provided.

Work for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 30 minutes.

Tarea del 28 de octubre

Look over the description of the 1st quarter project and think of 3 questions to ask me.

Oct 27, 2015

Tarea del 27 de octubre

Complete activities on estudio and quizlet learn Spanish to English for vocabulary words

Oct 23, 2015

Good vocab to know

By popular demand I made a quizlet for sports words that might come in handy on Wednesday.

Enjoy :-)

Oct 22, 2015

Tarea del 22 de octubre

Two activities in Estudio

Tarea del 21 de octubre

La lista de vocabulario

Oct 21, 2015

Tarea del 20 de octubre

2 activities on Estudio.  Use the dictionary in the back of the book or the dictionary online to complete the activity.

Oct 19, 2015

Tarea del 19 de octubre

You must study for your quiz tomorrow and complete one Estudio activity.  THIS TIME YOU MUST WRITE DOWN AND TRANSLATE THE SENTENCES YOU GET WRONG the first time you complete the activity. You can write it in your notebook.

Oct 15, 2015

En clase el 16 de octubre No hay tarea

Everyone must watch and write down the complete sentences in the activity at the end. Try to pause and answer the question before you see the answer.

Ser and estar

Object pronouns

Only do these if you were told you needed the review.
Verb video

irregular verb video

Enjoy the weekend.  You have no homework but remember you have a quiz on Tuesday.

Tarea del 15 de octubre

4 activities on studio.  Remember you have a quiz on Tuesday :-)

Oct 14, 2015

tarea del 14 de octubre

you have 4 studio activities.  You can use the vocabulary list you created in class.

Oct 13, 2015

Tarea del 13 de octubre

2 activities on studio.  You do not need to leave a recording on the second activity :-)

Oct 9, 2015

En Clase

First complete the pretest on estudio

When you are done go to you tube and

Mire este video

Write down the words you hear that you understand in Spanish
 and English in your notebook.

Then listen to this one by the same singer

Answer these questions

Which one do you like better?
Which one is about breaking up?
Which one is easier to understand?

When you are done try the pre-test in estudio.  It does not count.

Oct 7, 2015

Tarea del 7 de octubre

Study and complete the 3 activities in studio.  REMEMBER THAT TO FIND THEM YOU HAVE TO CLICK ON THE LEVEL 1 ASI SE DICE BOOK and then go to my tools. :-)

TO study practice conjugating verbs (Remember that you can look at your results In my tools if you want to redo old activities or see your common mistakes).  Practice the sentences that we reviewed yesterday and today. 

Oct 6, 2015

Tarea del 6 de octubre

You need to complete the vocabulary packet.  Make sure your work from yesterday and today is on a sheet of paper (not your notebook) because you need to hand it in tomorrow.  Remember you will get to use the list you make on the quiz on Thursday.

You also have 3 short activities on Estudio.  You do not need to do the writing assignment on the bottom of the question sheet.

Here are the answers to question 9-12 which we did not get a chance to review today in class just in case you want to start studying.

9. Voy a la escuela a las siete de la mañana.

10. Si estamos en la escuela.

11. No la profesora no da muchos examenes.

12. Si, siempre doy mi tarea a la profesora.

Oct 5, 2015

Tarea del 5 de octubre

Go through the First 3 pages of the vocabulary list and on a sheet of paper that you will get to use on your upcoming quiz, write down any word you do not know it's meaning when you see it in Spanish. Also complete the one assigned activity on estudio.

Oct 1, 2015

Tarea del 1 de octubre

There are 2 activities on studio.   :-)

Sep 30, 2015

Tarea del 30 de septiembre

Complete 3 activities on studio.  Remember to look up in the back of your textbook any word you do not know.

Sep 28, 2015

Trabajo en clase y Tarea del 29 de septiembre

Once you open studio, in class watch this video and pause and write down your answers to Activity 1

If you have time complete the activities in estudio for today.


Complete Learn with these vocabulary words.

Tarea del 28 de septiembre

Describe your house or apartment in a minimum of 40 words
You might want to include:
Where it is
What Color it is
How many rooms it has
the size of some rooms (the kitchen is large, the bathroom is small etc..)
Use the possessive adjectives to describe the bedrooms (my room in pretty, my parent's room is large)  REMEMBER WE DO NOT HAVE APOSTROPHE"S SO YOU MUST SAY EL CUARTO DE MIS PADRES ES...

Type is on Google docs and share it with me.

Sep 25, 2015

No hay tarea

If you want to practice the map there will be an opportunity for Frunas Monday and Wednesday at lunch. 

43 seconds or better (Mrs. Blessing's first time of the day) earns 2 frunas
32 seconds or better (Izzy's best time) earns 3 Frunas
28 Seconds or better (Mrs. Blessing's best time of the day) A pack of 6 Frunas

En clase el 25 de septiembre

Sep 24, 2015

Tarea del 24 de septiembre

Complete the 3 activities on studio.  Do your best to complete the conversation either with a partner who is online or just record yourself if you can not find a partner online.


If you can not get on the computer problem solve.  Think what do I want you to do.

Practice the verb tener and possessive adjectives. 

I would write 10 sentences using each of the conjugations of tener and each of the possessive adjectives.

Sep 22, 2015

Sep 21, 2015

Parent Open House

Tarea del 21 de septiembre

Complete the 2 activities assigned for tonight on estudio.  They will help you practice your articles el/la/los/las and un/una/unos/unas and changes sentences from singular to plural (making sure to make all the needed changes.
If you can not get on a computer write out a sentence including a word with each of the articles and make it both singular and plural.

For example:
La clase es fácil  -  Las clases son fáciles.

Sep 18, 2015

No hay Tarea los fines de semana :-)

Enjoy a lovely weekend :-)

Sep 17, 2015

Tarea del 17 de septiembre

There are 4 activities on estudio you need to complete.  If for some reason you can not access estudio then write out activity 2 on page R6 and Write a sentence with each of these vocabulary words that makes sense. 
cuarto de baño

Sep 15, 2015

Tarea del 16 de septiembre

You will need your textbook.  You need to answer those questions based on the information that is on page R2

To find your homework online
1. Log-in to Estudio.
2. Click on the asi se dice level 2 ebook (the book on the top).
3. Click on my tools,
4. Click on calendar.
4.  You will see 3 assignment which are due tomorrow click on each, complete and submit it.  The first one requires you to record yourself, the other two require you to look at page R2 in the textbook.

If you can not access estudio online.  Write down answers to 2,3 and 4 page R3.  Be ready to answer out loud activity 2.

En clase

Sep 11, 2015

No hay Tarea!! No homework see you on Wednesday :-)

For those who are curious, I think I figured out what was  Although the computer allowed you to go to the activities from the link on my blog it does not allow you to submit when you get to it from a link.

The way to complete the activities that I assign is to click on any of the level 1 books (since the assignments were from level 1).  Then click on my tools which are towards the right and in a yellow box and select calendar.

No need to do anything just wanted to let you know. Have a great long weekend :-)

Sep 10, 2015

No hay tarea el 10 de septiembre

If you have time take a look at your online textbook.  Tomorrow you will be using audio and recording features so bring in your headphones if you have any.  If not we have ones here :-)

Sep 9, 2015

Tarea del 9 de septiembre

Study for your vocabulary quiz tomorrow.
Do one of the following and bring evidence
Have someone ask you the words and you say them out loud and write them down (check your spelling). 
Run through quizlet one more time.  Write down the words you are still having trouble with 5 times in English and in Spanish.
Go through your notecards and place check marks every time you get one right.  Do not stop until all hove 3 check marks.  Put them away for at least an hour and then do the same thing over again but hopefully you will only miss one or two this time.
Take out a crayon.  Write all the words that have accents and place the accents in crayon so they stand out.  Remember you will need one for estás.

En clase
La chica en el grupo responde

Todos lo hacen

Si tienen tiempo

Sep 8, 2015

tarea del 8 de septiembre

Complete Learn on quizlet.  You will have a quiz on Thursday.

Go through all the words at least once.

Write in the logbook provided the words you get wrong.

Create flashcards for those words.


Click here to start

Sep 4, 2015

El 4 de septiembre

No hay tarea porque es viernes :-)

No homework since it is Friday. I am going to move the Vocabulary quiz to Thursday so you have a little more time to get back in the swing of things :-)

Sep 3, 2015

Tarea del 3 de septiembre

Place a timer and sit down with your list of question words and phrases for your first vocabulary quiz.  On a google doc add something to each to ask a question that one of your classmates should be able to answer. 
For example

¿Adónde vas de vacaciones?  or ¿Adónde vas con tu familia a esquiar?

You do not need to add anything to #3,6,8 and 15 but go ahead and copy them down as they are.

Once you have finished the list or spent 20 minutes working on this assignment stop.  Remember you never need to spend more then 20 minutes on an assignment.

Make sure to share the google doc with me :-)

The vocabulary quiz will be next Wednesday.  Here is a link to the words

Sep 1, 2015

Tarea del 2 de septiembre

Course information sheet signed.

Make sure to bring in a spiral notebook tomorrow.