Nov 24, 2015

Reto del dia de Acción de Gracias

To earn a pack of Frunas you just need to read the story we read in class to a family member during break and have them sign the sheet given to you in class.  Remember to erase any word that you think you now know because of the context of the story.  I would also suggest that you practice reading it first.  You might want to try to read it along with me using this video.

Have a wonderful break :-)

La Señora Blessing

Nov 20, 2015

Completion of dictionary

Next Wednesday you need to hand in your final dictionary.  Remember it will be one you will get to use all year long (other than on your final).

It must have a section where you can neatly write in 20 words as your run into words that cause you trouble and are not part of the unit vocabulary.

You should add the last vocabulary and place it in alphabetical order so you can find words easily. 

You do not need to add any more tips, photos or sentences but you can if you want to.  Ideally you will correct the errors that I pointed out.

Nov 18, 2015

Tarea del 17 de Noviembre

5 estudios were assigned online

Tarea del 16 de Noviembre

2 estudios were assigned online

Nov 12, 2015

Tarea del 11 noviembre

2 actividades en estudio

Nov 10, 2015

Tarea del 10 de noviembre

One estudio activity

Nov 9, 2015

Tarea del 9 de noviembre

Get progress report signed and develop a dictionary on google docs for the words that you do not know and that are not cognate from the last vocabulary lists.

First eliminate the words you know because you studied them in 6th and 7th grade
Than eliminate the words that are new but cognates
Finally type into a Google doc or sheet the new words that you would like to use on your quiz next Wednesday. I recommend you place them in alphabetical order which will make the list easier to use on the quiz.
Make sure to print out the list and share it with me.  If necessary you can come during homeroom and print it out.

Nov 4, 2015

Tarea del 4 de noviembre

Complete the activities on studio.  I know 10 seems like a lot but they are short and not especially tough.  If you do them and check your answers this will help you review for tomorrow's chapter test.  Show me your mad skills in Spanish.  Si lo puedes!  You can do it!